Friday, May 1, 2009

Fatty Tumor Gollum

Dr. Daniels looked at his tumor and said it was fat cells. No big deal. The only concerns she voiced were (1) this doesn't happen to Italian Greyhounds--she's never seen or heard of a fatty tumor in this breed (2) if it changes size or shape, it's time to remove it.
The doctor was more concerned about his yucky teeth. I don't brush their teeth, because I never got into the habit...or I'm lazy. They need some dental cleanings though, so I scheduled both of them for next week.


  1. Opops, just like his Grandmom!!!!! Yea and I am not Italian! I have had two of those fatty tissues removed. Hopefully that is all he will have. I have not had any more since those two about eight years ago.

    Well I guess since they are your "kids", you better get with the dental hygiene routine, not fun I know. When you get in the habit, all of you will not feel like it is a big deal. Good Luck.

    Next time I come visit, I will check their pearlies! Just kidding.

    Love, Mom

  2. Yeah! I am soooo glad that Gollum is OK. I brush the boys teeth when I bathe them. I bought the toothpaste from Dr. Hultman. I don't use their plastic finger's too big for the boy's mouths. I took a regular toothbrush (small) and cut down the bristles. The boys don't mind at fact, they love the toothpaste. It's so easy to do this least for me.

    Auntie Phiss

  3. I love the pic of you and Gollum, very cute! :)
