Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Vulture fairy tale

These ducks have a couple of new neighbors.Vultures! In particular, these are black vultures.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gollum having fun

I enjoy holding Gollum, but Tom is the "fun dad."--the one that gets him to play.
Tom can get this sleepy dog to play!
Tom loves to get him to "smile"--but I've never been able to capture the photo. He's kind of doing it here. You can definitely see that he's happy.
Tom gets the plushest, softest toy and pitches it to Gollum while he's on the bed. Then he will dangle it just out of his reach. Sometimes Gollum will bark in frustration, but he's wagging the whole time.
Tom just sent me this card through the mail. He knows how much I love real mail too...and this card was amazing. I can't tell you what he wrote on the inside, but it was SWEEEEEET! Thanks baby!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gollum is an indoor dog

These guys are baking on our balcony. It's like a brick oven out there, and our dogs love it anyway. I wonder if I should put sunscreen on them sometimes, but since they've never been sunburned, I try not to worry about that. I decided to take them to the party/terrace room just for a change of scenery. I brought a book to read and relax outside. There are a couple of shady spots out there.
We were down there only a few minutes when this happened.
I used my full zoom on my camera to get this shot of Gollum sitting indoors while me and Artimus are enjoying the outdoors.
The above picture was taken with about half the zoom. The picture below was taken from where I am sitting. Gollum can see me from INside the party room. He's such an indoor dog.
I guess maybe if I had brought some nice, soft blankets, he might have stayed outside longer. I don't know. Funny guy.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Funny stuff

The fine print says "Take the stairs directly into it."Gun Owners of America: We don't compromise. You shouldn't either. If guns kill people, then pencils miss spel words. Cars make people drive drunk. Spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat.
This is how to tell if you have smelly feet. I think the last picture must have been made up. But who knows.
This one made me laugh. I don't think I've ever graffiti-ed anything. But if it's so fun, maybe I should try it. hahaha
Awwww--I'm guessing that German Shepherd puppy will really respect cats.
Simple cartoons are the best.
And poop jokes never get old.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blue Heron (ain't so great)

I went to the park early this morning to photograph this bird.It's undeniably pretty....pretty prehistoric-looking too. And I thought it would be a kind bird, but no, it's sortof a bully. It's territorial.
It chased away the mom to these little ducklings when she got in his "area."
So, that's when I started to have fun with this big guy. Thank goodness he didn't start attacking me, because that beak looks pretty sharp.
I started chasing it around the pond.
Hahahaha...Who's the bully? Running away from me? Are we camera shy Mr. Heron?
At least I got some mid-air shots.
Bye for now. Stop chasing the ducks!
Here's some info from Wikipedia:
The primary food for Great Blue Heron is small
fish, though it is also known to opportunistically feed on a wide range of shrimps, crabs, aquatic insects, rodents, other small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and small birds. Herons locate their food by sight and usually swallow it whole. Herons have been known to choke on prey that is too large.

Great Blue Herons build a bulky stick nest, and the female lays three to six pale blue eggs. One brood is raised each year. If the nest is abandoned or destroyed, the female may lay a replacement clutch.Reproduction is negatively affected by human disturbance, particularly during the beginning of nesting. Repeated human intrusion into nesting areas often results in nest failure, with abandonment of eggs or chicks.

Both parents feed the young at the nest by regurgitating food. Parent birds have been shown to consume up to four times as much food when they are feeding young chicks than when laying or incubating eggs.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Artimus expressions

Artimus grins naturally--even when he's sleeping, but he has oh-so-many other, funny expressions.
This is the more inquisitive smile.
This is a laid back grin.
And here's the sleepy smile. Whew, back to bed, right, Artimus?

Friday, June 19, 2009

KFC run

Here we go: a late-night, gotta-have-fried-chicken KFC run. We all load up in Tom's car, and the dogs must know we are up to no good.I tried to make fried chicken at home one day. I had great intentions. I was gonna make a stay-at-home fried chicken that we could refrigerate and eat cold, or rip it apart to make a fried chicken salad, or tear it up for some yummy crunchy chicken-salad sandwiches. I had high-in-the-sky-apple-pie hopes.
I nearly burned the place down. The building had to evacuate. All the sirens went off. Tom made me promise to never, ever try that again. I agreed.
The unbelievably excessive amount of smoke convinced the security guards there was fire in the apartment. I had these uniformed "officers" searching my place for what must have been a raging bonfire. Nope. Just a greasy, oily, smoky chicken mess. It filled up the entire hallway. I don't have pictures of any of this marvelous occasion; I was a little embarrassed. Sad for my babies who didn't know whether to be completely freaked out or wait for the possible "chicken gone bad, hand over to dogs" scenario.
Instead, these are the photos of us riding down in the elevator to get to the cars and drive to KFC which will be much less expensive and taste better than whatever I could concoct in the kitchen. Why not just leave fried chicken to the experts....KFC, Church's, Chicken Express...they know what they're doing.

Thanks for the fun Chicken Run, hubby. What a yummy, stick-to-your-tummy meal!