Saturday, May 9, 2009

Boot Camp

I signed up for Tarrant County Boot Camp more than a year ago. I'm addicted. These girls crack me up! I love to exercise in a group, because it's less awful. It helps me to have some sort of social structure around exercise to keep me accountable and motivated. This boot camp meets three times a week in North Richland Hills. I manage to drag myself out of bed and drive 20 minutes to work out. It introduced me to a bunch of fun people, and now some of these gals have become friends outside of boot camp. I feel pretty darn lucky to be able to participate, and I will never take it for granted.

After squats, lunges, jogging, sprinting, push-ups, sit-ups, and all variations of bicep curls and tricep presses, I feel exhausted and so happy. The girls may be very different from each other, but all agree that this boot camp time is important. I value exercise, because it helps my mental health just as much as physical health. The friendships are just a super sweet bonus!


  1. Sounds exciting. That is commitment with a Capital C! I would love it all but the jogging.

    I don't think that is your secret to being so beautiful though, I think it is having a wonderful husband that adores you. How blessed you are!

    Lovin' you my Dear, Mom

  2. Don't know that I could ever do that, good job! It's nice to have friends to work out with :) Oh, and how long did you and Karen hold that squatting position for the pic?

  3. TOOOOOO Long... and we had to do it over and over again, cuz I couldn't figure out my timer on my stupid camera. ..No, wait, my camera probably wasn't the stupid one.

  4. It sounds like a barrel of fun and the girls look like they would be a hoot! Super neat.

    Auntie Phiss
