Thursday, December 31, 2009

Michelle, Laramie, and Ryan visit

Michelle brought her daughter, Laramie and her son, Ryan over to see the house for the first time, and of course the dogs.

The kids played hide-n-seek, then climbed on the retaining wall, then were getting a little bored, so I thought about making a fort with the super big blanket.They rolled around on the floor with it for a while. I think they were making a caterpillar or horse or something. Michelle said they were "sneaking up on me."
Laramie is 9 years old and super cute.
Ryan really loved the Mountain Dew!
He is younger than his sister, but I can't remember by how much.
Here is their Christmas card that Michelle always remembers to send me.
Thank you Michelle for bringing the kids over to visit. I know Mallory, Artimus and Gollum loved your kids. I really enjoyed your making the effort to come visit. Thank you!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why I don't make the bed...

What's the point of making the bed when the dogs turn it into this? Tom and I generally have to "make" the bed before we get into it at night. This is to insure that we both get at least one pillow and a proper portion of the sheet AND blanket. What a concept. We have to kick at least one or two dogs off the bed in order to get anything accomplished and play "keep away" before they wiggle their way back onto it. Tom, maybe we really do need to elevate the bed? I dunno, would that make anything easier? Actually, Mallory would probably just break her neck trying to jump on, or break a leg jumping off.This is my 51lb dog wondering why she isn't in a cage in the car.
I took the cage out in order to clean it, and it just hasn't gone back into the car yet.
This is Mallory testing the weather out in front of the house.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tom's video

Mallory likes to eat the snow:

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tom's super short video clip

What a great picture of our home during the Christmas Eve blizzard of 2009!

walking with Linda

Watching her load the kids back into the car is fun. Lola is about a hundred pounds on the right; Vino is her first lab ... and Molly, of course, is the baby.When she goes to the restroom, all three labs want to go with her.
Molly is singled out sometimes, but I have a feeling she's turning into a diva...not playing nice with the new "coupler" leashing system. She works very hard to keep up with everyone, and somehow she DOES!

I took these pictures after our walk while Linda was getting the dogs back into the car. Molly was so tired, she just plopped down on the edge.
Lola can jump up into the car, but she prefers a little boost from Linda.

Vino, Lola, and Molly are sooooo cute. When we walked at the Keller trails today, I brought Artimus and Gollum and Debra brought Toby, so we had seven dogs between the three of us.
Quite a fun crowd. Artimus and Gollum can be off leash, but everybody else needs to be leashed and it can be a tangled, hysterical mess!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

54 seconds of Mallory and the garden hose

This video will be so cute to us when she is no longer a puppy and no longer thrilled with every new little game we come up with. She is nearly 6 months old and so full of energy. This is a good way for Tom to play with her and run the energy tank LOW. She weighs 49lbs. By January first, she better be up to 52lbs, so I can win the bet and go out to eat at night with Tom! I wonder what happens if Tom wins the bet....hmmmm...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas morning 2009

We went to sleep at about 9pm on Christmas Eve, but both of us woke up around midnight to say "Merry Christmas"--I fell back asleep on the couch until 3:30 am, before we both got up to brush our teeth and go to bed. We were so excited from playing in the snow and blizzard. I slept until 5:15 am, and wanted to watch the local news to see all about the road conditions and weather-related stories. I had to watch the Weather Channel until 6am when the local news came on. It was so interesting. About one hundred miles west on I-20 near a town called Eastland, over 100 cars were stranded on the freeway. Their tires were actually frozen to the pavement. The local police and emergency vehicles were taking food, water, and gasoline to the people who did not want to abandon their vehicles in favor of a shelter. All the hotels were booked, so local churches and even some private homes were opening their doors to the stranded motorists. At about 7am, I crawled back into bed under the electric blanket, and immediately started worrying about the dogs needing to pee and poop. Snoozed until about 7:30 where Tom and I both did tag team with the dogs going out the back door then front door. Like coaches, we were cheering them on. Tom got Gollum to pee, while I waited on Mallory to poop about three times, ending in diarrhea. Poor baby. I think I gave her too many treats last night while she was outside with us in the blizzard.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pictures of me mostly

Tom took this picture. I like it except that my necklace is choking me.
He took this one when I got my new rottweiler hat and earrings and the Italian greyhound shirt.
I took this one with my iphone. Karen and I are walking back to her house and carried the boys, because it was cold and windy. Gollum gets very unpredictable when it's windy. He will dart across the street trying to get back to the car where he thinks it's warm.
This is me and Mallory's neck:
I like hats. You don't have to fix your hair when you have a hat. Artimus' left arm looks really funny here... Well, I think that is enough pictures of me for now... Adios!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Number one, number two, number three

You can clearly see the hierarchy in our home with this picture. I love it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

unbelievable video

Monday, December 21, 2009

28-second video

Mallory is still teething; we are only supposed to have maybe two more weeks of this! All her adult teeth should be in by the time she is 6 months old.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Seagulls and complaints

I took these pictures in the parking lot of the Walmart/Sams parking lot off Rufe Snow and 820 near Hurst/NRH. This older lady with the head scarf apparently feeds them on a daily basis.
It was pretty cool if not a little creepy, but I understand the whole bird fetish thing. I have a dog I can't exactly point fingers here.
My complaints are about this location: WHY can you get to the Walmart/Sams via super congested freeway, but there is literally no way out?!! You cannot get back onto 820, though it's not a coveted site anyway. This stretch of 820 is like picking up dog poop and realizing there is a hole in the bag and you have dog feces on your hand. It makes me want to tear my eyes out anyway, so I guess I will not be visiting these establishments on a regular basis. Ok, so seagulls, interesting, yay. Freeway that ends, no yay.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tom's best photography

This picture impresses me so much. It shows the canine hierarchy in our house, plus it makes me proud to think that my husband would take the time to capture this moment AND send it to me. Tom takes lots of great pictures, but sometimes I never get them. So far, we haven't found an easier way for me to extract them from his Iphone. He has to take them from the camera captures then email them to me ... anyway, back to the photo.He did a great job with the focus, lighting, and timing. Artimus is number one at the window; Gollum the faithful backup, and Mallory, the super strong gigantic puppy, just happy to be in the mix. She is third string. I love it. Thanks for taking such a great picture my snoogie woogums, luv muffin! Ok, gimme a break, it's 2:39 am, and I would love to be in bed snuggled up with my husband, but insomnia has its hold....I can say snuggie wuggie love sponge if I want!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Steak kabobs

We actually cooked our dinner over the fire. These are pre-seasoned petite sirloin steaks from Albertson's that I cubed and put onto skewers.Tom and I both think they needed more salt, but overall they were good. Tom said to buy a better cut of meat next time, because we had to spit out some of the stringy parts. I don't know how to spell gristle or I would. Aww, there you go, thanks spell check!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Gollum's perch

I had just left to take Mallory to obedience class, when Tom sent me these pictures. Tom said that Gollum was waiting for me to return.
I'm not certain if that was what was going on here, but he IS facing the door. I think he could have just found a warm, sunny spot on the back of the couch. Isn't this exactly what cats do?
I choose to think he was looking for me. =)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Molly makes her debut

Yep, I said "Molly" not "Mallory"... Molly is Linda's new puppy. Linda dropped off the new white lab puppy at Karen's house since she had to drive to Dallas for a business meeting.
Fenway was so curious about her; she loved having her own little polar bear cub to babysit.
I just kept taking pictures; Molly was sooooo sweet.
We made sure Fenway didn't think she was being replaced. Fenway was very careful with Molly, but I don't think she liked her mom holding Molly for too long.
I got to hold the sweet baby girl, and when I got home my three kids were not pleased.
I can't say they totally shunned me when I walked through the door, but Artimus, Gollum, and Mallory had a good inspector sniff-time examination.
What a fun day with Molly and Fenway. I accidentally called Mallory, "Molly" a few times when I got home.

So happy to have you in the doggie extended family! We love you Molly!