Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm blogging from my iPhone today since my computer is having some issues. I'm always looking forward to Fridays, but especially today is going to be fun. I already got to exercise with Whitney this morning. We did a great run/walk at Green Valley park. I met a nice older lady from Ireland that was afraid of the crazy duck at the park. She was here visiting her daughter and already attacked by the aggressive duck. She thought she was the only one, but I assured her the duck was mean to everyone. It wasn't even afraid of Artimus and Gollum, but at least it didn't pursue us thanks to my vicious guard dogs (not). So now I'm at home. I'm getting ready to go to Danell's house. The sandwiches are in the oven, and I've finished getting dressed and blowdrying my hair. Now I just need to order the pizzas for game night tonight! Tom is coming over to my sister's house after he leaves work. What a fun day!


  1. Andrea, I will put it down on record today as being jealous of you!

    It sounds like you are going to have such a wonderful "rest of day" that I do not know how you are going to be able to handle all that fun.

    Just handle it. - Have a great time.

    Love, Mom

  2. That crazy, terrorizing duck! We did have fun Friday night, didn't we?! Thanks so much :)

  3. Hopefully you will get a working computer soon... we miss you! Blogging from your phone is just NOT the same ;)
