Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Weight Wars

I weigh on my scale at least once a day. Obsessive, yes. However, I feel it necessary to keep an eye on the number. I gain or lose ten pounds every month or so. I weigh nearly 5 pounds more at night than in the morning. I find the scale to be my honest friend; it no longer ruins my day when it tells me I look fat. I just say "Scale, I'll work on it today and post a better number tomorrow." The scale doesn't lie to me and say "oh it's just muscle, you know. Muscle weighs more than fat." The scale doesn't say "Well you may be fat, but you're happy, so that's really what matters." Nope. It just says a number. And since the Dominos demons made a visit to our place, the number went up by a whopping 7 lbs in 24 hours.

The Italian sandwich and Chicken Parmesan sandwiches from Dominos reside in my belly. yum. I must have been sleep-eating, because I'm really surprised two 12-inch subs could fit inside me. I certainly don't remember eating all that.
Dear Dominos,
Keep your demons to yourself.
Some of us have no self-control.
Don't sabotage our workouts with
your warm, delicious sandwiches.
Thank you very much.


  1. That is too funny! I do like to weigh in the morning, I feel so much better by seeing a better number.

    You are looking good. Keep it up.

    Love, Mom

  2. OHhhhhhhhhh, you are doing better than me....I haven't the courage to get on the scales. I'm hoping to walk it all off this summer...get on the scales and laugh....so I'll stay off for now so that I don't cry!

    Auntie Phiss

  3. Hahaha! Glad scales just give a number, they stay objective that way, doling out neither criticism or praise. I used to weigh a lot more than I do now, it's leveled off now at a weight I'm not too happy with, but content to live with for the time being.
