Sunday, July 19, 2009

To Karen with love... no, with mixed feelings =)

Check out this new tic tac toe game.


  1. ok, i pretty much knew what was coming (we fell for the car commercial with the zombie), but i still watched . . . and screamed . . . and jere laughed his butt off!!!

    thanks so much from your

    quasi sister-in-law


  2. You are welcome! My evilness always aims to please! I have to be anonymous I guess....Karen

  3. Yes, well I made sure my speakers were OFF so if there was any sound, I'm sure it's terrible. That was a most disturbing sight. I could have gone forever without seeing it! Thanks for the heads up, Andrea, I don't much like being scared ;)

    Oh my goodness, but what a sweet, cute video! I LOVED it, way cute smile on Tom's face and you both look great!!!! :)

  4. Yes, oh yes, the sound was awful. I jumped off my barstool and then immediately was enraged; I think you and I react similarly to these things. I think Leah will too...that's why she doesn't like to play hide-n-seek sometimes because she gets startled. We are the same way!!

  5. I my word! LOL Your video teaser FORCED me to check it out...

    Even though I knew what it would be, I still JUMPED!!! ROFL
