Friday, July 10, 2009

Sun phobia

I have many fears, but during the summer, one fear trumps them all. I am afraid of getting a sunburn.
I have had many, many sunburns...and they HURT! If I get a sunburn, I feel hot and feverish for days. Along with that, I can't take a shower, because it stings.

Furthermore, I can barely sleep, because the sheets make me itch. Sunburns are very itchy as they heal.

So, on top of all that, I burn, I peel, which is particularly nasty. I can't help but pick at the flesh that is flaking off of my body. I'm like a snake shedding its skin. I tear it off and try to get the biggest piece without it breaking. When I was a kid, I wondered what it would be like to say I was a cannibal, so I just ate the skin that peeled off. (I just made Karen throw up.)

So that should pretty much explain the above picture. I tend to overdo it on the sunscreen. And don't worry, I've grown out of the cannibalism stage.

As long as this guy is my biggest fan, I'm gonna be OK. He doesn't seem to mind waiting around for hours while I apply sunscreen to every inch of my body...even my head. One time I got a sunburn on top of my head. When it started peeling, it appeared that I had the worst case of dandruff anybody has ever seen. Lovely.
Thanks for taking the above picture Whitney!


  1. How cute is that VERY revealing blog telling about your inmost phobia's. Andrea you are a real jewel!

    SO glad you let us know that putrid desire has vanished. We now can think of you as "somewhat" normal, - whew! (What a relief)

    You truthfully almost had me laughing as I was reading your blog.

    Keep cool, keep smiling, and keep thanking that husband of yours for his "unbelievable" patience.

    The jewel, has a jewel!

    Love you both, Mom

  2. Ditto! When I get a sunburn it makes me sick also. Fever and ache like I have the flu or something.

  3. What a picture! Did you rub all that white stuff in? I have to say, you look much younger than thirty-four in that pic! Hahahaha :) I've started wearing sunscreen some now, guess I have to act responsible. At least I slather the kids up good!

  4. the sunscreen pic is priceless, but the one of you and tom is great.

    i hate "posed" pictures

  5. Oh my word, that was hilarious! I think this is the very first post ever where someone has admitted eating peeled skin! :snort:

    I did get a slight sunburn on the top of my head in the part of my hair. :)

    You must be really sensitive to heat and the sun, especially if it makes you physically ill. That's a tough thing to deal with when you live in Texas!

  6. Andrea,

    Oh I remember the peeling! I try to get a big piece also.

    Auntie Phiss
