Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More hide-n-seek

There seems to be a theme for the 2009 summer: the party room proves itself.Plenty of open spaces for restless kids, coupled with lots of hiding places for hide-n-seek with adults and dogs.
Danell brought Mark, Leah, and Nathan over to have lunch in the party room for the first time. It was a strange coincidence that all the tables and chairs were removed, but maybe they just cleaned the carpet. I dunno. Danell made it fun by suggesting a picnic on a picnic blanket.
The picture below is my favorite: Gollum sitting on the blanket beside Leah and Mark. He has no weakness in the self-esteem department. He believes the blanket should belong exclusively to him. He's having a very difficult time "sharing." Notice he's too proud to even look at Leah and Mark. He faced the opposite direction the whole time, and didn't even acknowledge the *obvious* disrespect.
Nathan navigated the doorway really well. I thought he would trip over that bottom railing thing, but instead he was super careful and just kept going in and out, in and out.

Artimus helped me find the kids during our games of hide-n-seek. Leah thought it was funny. I think Mark may have thought that I was cheating. =)
Mark and Leah hide their eyes while Mom finds a hiding spot.
Danell shows Leah the view. They were soooo "not" scared.
Blazin' hot...again.
Everybody had a turn.
The whole fam. All the kids need sunglasses next time. That would be so funny...and cute!
I made Artimus and Gollum stay outside while we were eating. They were a bit angry.
Leah loved the flowers. How do you spell hibiscus?

Fun picnic in the party room. Thanks for coming over McCurdy clan!


  1. very cute pics. you people love the cheesy chips. our dog has grown up the the children and she STILL finds it quite untasteful that we would even consider her LOW enough to have to hang out with the kids.

    poor poor puppies


  2. Of course I love this post! Great pictures, very fun. I think the one of Mark and Leah hiding their eyes counting is really cute! It was fun, and yes it was really hot :) Leah with the hibiscus if just booootiful! Thanks!

  3. Yep, as usual you DID spell correctly.

    Boy, that looks like fun. I am sure the kids had fun. I agree with Danell that the "hiding our eyes" picture was super cute, BUT then there is the one with Leah by the flower, and sitting on the floor, and then the one with Artimus "finding" Mark and Leah, oh well, just suffice it to say you took a bunch of good pictures!

    I am looking forward to all of us being there sometime. Maybe we can do it, but I know Danell probably likes to have you to herself.

    I think the sunglass idea was good. It would probably be smart if you had sunglasses when you go out on the patio it is so bright. Very beautiful place, thank you for sharing.

    I love you "Photog Genius", Mom
