Friday, June 26, 2009

Vulture fairy tale

These ducks have a couple of new neighbors.Vultures! In particular, these are black vultures.


  1. Cant believe how good the vulture pics came out!

  2. Hey everybody: I love & worship this amazing woman!


  3. I agree, the pictures are really good! Did you just use zoom or crop to get the close ups? Great job!

  4. I am always in awe of those huge birds when I see them at the farm. Up close they are suppose to be so ugly, but when they are on the telephone pole or in the field close to the barn, I get the binoculars and look at them. It is weird to say that if we did not have such birds, we would have a very dirty planet. Thank you vultures for the good cleaning job you do.

    Clear close-up photo. Very good job Andrea.

    What a nice comment for a husband to say. I am so glad that by talking to you, I can tell that you appreciate Tom too. Great duo I would say!

    Love you two, Mom

  5. Andrea,

    These vulture pictures are so good. These birds are huge! They look like they have hoods on...they remind me of the hooded guillotine people in the middle ages.

    Auntie Phiss
