Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gollum having fun

I enjoy holding Gollum, but Tom is the "fun dad."--the one that gets him to play.
Tom can get this sleepy dog to play!
Tom loves to get him to "smile"--but I've never been able to capture the photo. He's kind of doing it here. You can definitely see that he's happy.
Tom gets the plushest, softest toy and pitches it to Gollum while he's on the bed. Then he will dangle it just out of his reach. Sometimes Gollum will bark in frustration, but he's wagging the whole time.
Tom just sent me this card through the mail. He knows how much I love real mail too...and this card was amazing. I can't tell you what he wrote on the inside, but it was SWEEEEEET! Thanks baby!


  1. Awwww! How sweet! Yes, getting cards and letters in the mail is still exciting!

    I like how you can see Gollum's tail as a blur in the photos because he's wagging it so fast!

  2. we're at camp and don't have access to a computer. i'm stealing my director's for now.

    i love the pick of gollum, we have a bassett molly and i don't know if you know this but bassetts don't really do much, so your boys are always entertaining.


  3. Tom is very thoughtful to send you mail.

    Just too sweet.

    Was that card suppose to remind you that since Gollum is so crazy about Tom and shows it when he makes an appearance, that you should do the same? Just wondering. - I don't think Tom had to remind you. What a sweetheart he is!

    Love you both, Mom

  4. Andrea,

    Cards through the mail are still the best...I think because they are so personal and YOU KNOW the sender made an extra effort...the extra mile for the receiver!

    Love ya,
    Auntie Phiss

  5. Nicole, Molly may not do much, but she's a sweetie! But yes, I think Artimus and Gollum could run circles around her :)
