Friday, June 12, 2009

Up got thumbs down

What fun it is to go to the movies.  We try to see a show once a week, because it's so convenient for us, and because we can definitely both appreciate comedies.  Sometimes we can agree on a drama and action movie too, but comedies are our favorite to watch together.We stand in separate lines at the concession stands, because, well isn't that normal?  Doesn't everyone stand in separate lines to see who can get to the cashier the quickest? ;)
We went to see the new Pixar animated film "Up."
I heard many of the reviews and decided to try to keep my expectations low.  All the reviewers and critics were raving about this film.  In hindsight, I could have had even lower expectations.  I just wish I had known we were about to be dealing with very adult themes like life/death, dashed hopes/unfulfilled dreams, absentee fathers, disappointment and grief leading to depression..oh yes, and animals being emotionally abused or physically injured.  This was an anxiety-laden (yet artistically beautiful) film.  So there's my review.  If you want details, gimme a call.  Otherwise, I don't want to spoil it for those of you who are masochistic.

Here we are naively walking into the theatre.  We are completely blind to what we are about to experience.
Here we are overpaying for a large popcorn, large diet coke, and a small Sprite.

We walked out of the theatre and I was trying to process everything.  What just happened to us?  I said that I felt emotionally beat up.  Tom said he felt melancholy.  My sadness was quickly turning to anger.  I said "What the *insert expletive here* was that?!"  We were crying in the first ten minutes of the film.  Oh wait, that was just me....certainly not Tom.  =)  Anyway, Tom tried to keep distracting me from the inevitable wailing that was to come.  I never really lost it completely though, because I just couldn't believe it.  I was expecting Up to be a LOT more Upbeat.  The few jokes sprinkled throughout the movie seemed like the producers were just throwing the audience a bone here and there. Reality is sad enough; I need my movies to provide an escape.  I was thinking "Toy Story" or "Wall-E" not "The House of Sand and Fog" meets "The Notebook" ...Um, this was a cartoon, right?? 
So we both just wanted to get home after that experience.  I needed some dogs to cuddle with.
Home Sweet Home


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Beautiful picture of home.

    Just look at your male companions anytime, and you can get happy!

    I love you Sweetie, Mom

  3. OK so i'm thinking we are NOT going to take belle to see UP today! i'm really getting sick and tired of adult movies sneaking in under our radar disquised as "Children's flicks," just to get parents in the theatre. it's bullcorn.



  4. That is depressing! Cartoons are suppose to be fun!

    Auntie Phiss
