Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why I don't make the bed...

What's the point of making the bed when the dogs turn it into this? Tom and I generally have to "make" the bed before we get into it at night. This is to insure that we both get at least one pillow and a proper portion of the sheet AND blanket. What a concept. We have to kick at least one or two dogs off the bed in order to get anything accomplished and play "keep away" before they wiggle their way back onto it. Tom, maybe we really do need to elevate the bed? I dunno, would that make anything easier? Actually, Mallory would probably just break her neck trying to jump on, or break a leg jumping off.This is my 51lb dog wondering why she isn't in a cage in the car.
I took the cage out in order to clean it, and it just hasn't gone back into the car yet.
This is Mallory testing the weather out in front of the house.


  1. Answer -


    Love the "Snugglin' Benua's", MomGrandma

  2. The bed is perfect just the way it is!


  3. that looks so comfy!!! i don't always make the bed either. but my excuse is that i'm lazy. but not always, just sometimes. :)
