Friday, December 18, 2009

Seagulls and complaints

I took these pictures in the parking lot of the Walmart/Sams parking lot off Rufe Snow and 820 near Hurst/NRH. This older lady with the head scarf apparently feeds them on a daily basis.
It was pretty cool if not a little creepy, but I understand the whole bird fetish thing. I have a dog I can't exactly point fingers here.
My complaints are about this location: WHY can you get to the Walmart/Sams via super congested freeway, but there is literally no way out?!! You cannot get back onto 820, though it's not a coveted site anyway. This stretch of 820 is like picking up dog poop and realizing there is a hole in the bag and you have dog feces on your hand. It makes me want to tear my eyes out anyway, so I guess I will not be visiting these establishments on a regular basis. Ok, so seagulls, interesting, yay. Freeway that ends, no yay.


  1. Its a little scary you are writing this at 3:00 am.

    Tom : )

  2. I was pondering over your problem and I was wondering, - - could you possibly get on your GPS and see if there is any back way to enter that location? It may take a few more minutes, but it may just be the solution to that awful problem. Hope so.

    Love you, my "Beauty no-sleep", Mom
