Friday, September 25, 2009

The toddler terror

Artimus and Gollum mostly just avoid my niece and nephews. When we are at my sister's house, I bring in their crate so they can have a quiet place to rest where they feel safe. Nathan, however, isn't quite old enough to understand this concept. Since the crate is something different and "new" in his territory, he feels justified to play with it. Maybe he thinks it's his newest toy. Week after week, Danell and I have tried to explain that he must not touch the "puppy's cage." It seems like it may be sinking in.


  1. I wonder if Nathan is thinking "is it safe" to go ahead and investigate? Artimus looks like he is keeping a watchful eye on the "little human who does know how to love gently like mom". Is he getting ready to rush with Gollum? I bet you all have the greatest of fun.

    Auntie Phiss

  2. I like the way both dogs are watching him carefully, very cute.

    have a great weekend,


  3. I remember that day... he was ramming the dogs' crate! What a stinker :(

    Look at his hair!!
