Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Car rides

My sister drove all of us, including the dogs, over to see how the new construction on the house is coming along. To pass the time, Mark and Leah had a "funny face off."
They were competing to make the silliest face.
I thought it was a great opportunity to get some good photos.
Leah's scary face was indeed scary.
Mark and Leah make car rides really fun.
Then the conversation took an interesting turn.... Mark said he wanted to hold Artimus. I said "really?" Mark never shows that much interest in the dogs. He doesn't like them; he doesn't dislike them; he's not afraid of them, but he doesn't want to cuddle, either.
This turn of events made Leah a little apprehensive:
Leah, "do you want to hold Artimus?" >>>>NO! Humph. what a face.
Leah must be just joking with me. She said she DID want to hold Artimus, and I gave my sister a "look" in the rearview mirror. I got the "go-ahead shrug" and things progressed from there.
I said, OK, I'm gonna set Artimus in your lap, but when he begins to struggle, you just let him go, ok? Affirmative.
A bit worrisome, but we're hanging in there. Stop moving Artimus! We are having a breakthrough moment here!
AWWWWWW, nice. Now this is good stuff. I got a little smile when I reminded Leah that I was taking pictures, and she always wants to photograph looking confident. =)
This 10-second moment in time was a super sweet moment.
Thanks for the suggestion Mark! You came up with so much fun stuff to do on our car ride. Thanks for driving Danell!


  1. Nice story... to go with cute pictures! I was happy to do the driving and so glad the kids were entertaining :)

  2. hooray for leah! i'm so glad your dogs are able to help her overcome some of her fears. molly has the right temperment but is way too big and leah always cries when she sees her.

    have a happy wednesday,


  3. Brave Artimus! That was so good of him to give Leah a chance, or should I say that was good of Leah? I don't know, but it looks like it worked. Good job! - Great pictures, even though a little blurry, what fun!

  4. Always wants to look confident in pictures... ha! LOVE THAT!
