Saturday, September 12, 2009

Riscky's (subtitle: Cows & Horses)

Tom and I met my sister, Danell and brother in law, Josh and their three kiddos at Riscky's in the stockyards. We wanted to watch the cattle drive.
The stockyards also has horse barns/horse stables to visit. Along with horses, we saw goats, chickens, a goose, and a rabbit.

Riscky's is on Exchange St. right off Main. You can see Leah walking her "balloon animal" in the picture below... When she walks her dog, she says "Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk..." so funny!
We passed several interesting least through the eyes of small children. I've had just about enough of Fort Worth being born and reared here. But...I can be open-minded and enjoy the "Cowtown" scenery when hanging out with my cute little niece and nephews. The balloon animal is actually a dog on a leash. Leah had a small pink poodle on a purple leash; Mark had a black dog he named "Gollum" on a red leash.
Everyone thought the stagecoach was very cool. It was $10 for a "scenic tour." There was absolutely no way I would be coerced into an oven and bounced around on the bricked street as a way to enjoy my afternoon. (I'm really NOT a debbie downer, I swear.)
The horses were super tall and looked very strong. My sister LOVES horses. I do too, but I'm not quite as crazy about them as Danell is. They smell great, but they have ginormous poop and are an extremely costly pet. Besides, if you don't have time to spend with them every day, they are just like dogs, and they need lots of attention and want to be part of the family.
This is a picture of the cattle drive taken over the heads of lots of other people. It was Labor Day; the holiday always draws a big crowd.
Nathan wanted to sit (or stand) between Tom and I throughout most of the lunch. He was really sweet and loved the french fries.
A "real" Cowboy came by on his horse. Leah and Mark wanted to pet the horse, so Josh picked up Leah. I took pictures as Mark and Leah were near the horse.
Mark wasn't afraid at all. Leah had a little trepidation, but she recovered nicely.
She smiled for the camera after she realized I was shooting the pictures.
Here's the entire McCurdy family watching the cattle drive:
Danell told us she is about to get Nathan's hair cut for the first time.
She doesn't really want to cut the curls off, but she has decided that it's about time.
Tom and I had fun at lunch, and Mark, Leah, and Nathan behaved so well.
Josh--thanks for spending part of your holiday off from work with us!
Danell--thanks for packing everyone up and bringing them to the stockyards.
We loved watching this guy train a young horse to walk with a bit and bridle. I'm sure he was training the horse to have a saddle on its back too.

Tom--thanks for the balloon animals. Everyone enjoyed them--including me! Yes, Tom had to get ME a dog on a leash too. Here it is resting behind our very tame dove.


  1. Oh what fun! I love the youngest and all his curls but then again I am partial to little boys with long hair! I will only get to see things like this in photos due to Jack's allergies. I know he would enjoy this so much. Maybe I will start getting him the shots soon. I've been thinking about it!

    I love the pic of Tom with Nathan. Tooooo cute!


  2. Andrea,

    These have got to be some of the very best pictures you have taken! I know you must have had a most enjoyable looks like a "super kids day out".

    Auntie Phiss

  3. Yes, love the post... and I'm like Karen, I love Nathan's curls and the pic with him and Tom is super! I didn't realize you took so many pictures, you're goooooood!
