Our canine children require regular maintenance. Toenail trims and anal gland expression require some nerves of steel. I leave these tasks to the professionals.
I imagine there aren't too many people as concerned about their dogs' anal sacs as I am. When they fill up, some dogs "scoot" to relieve themselves. Some dogs will naturally relieve themselves when they poop. I don't think an Italian greyhound can scoot; I've never seen it happen. It's favorable for our carpets, but unfavorable for Artimus and Gollum. They have to be manually emptied by a latex-gloved veterinarian. The alternative would be explosive, stinky, bloody, and requires sutures. I will spare you any other details.
This little appointment takes just a few minutes, but it is dreadful. The 6 -year-old baby, Gollum, will squeal "cry" like a little bird through the whole appointment while Artimus trembles with visible fear. They know what's comin' and it ain't pretty.
I'm tired of doctor appointments. Artimus and Gollum luckily live in the moment and have forgotten the trauma. They did kinda run to their cage and pass out as soon as we got home though.
This sounds like Enoch....he yelps like a baby when he gets his nails trimmed. He embarrasses Jacob and Woody with his antics. Have you seen Woody? He is gorgeous!