Nearly every Friday I get to visit my sister, Danell, and her kids. She lets me bring my dogs over. This not only allows me to visit for a longer time, but it also makes the day more fun. Her oldest son, Mark, isn't all that interested in the dogs, but my niece, Leah, is extremely intrigued. She says Artimus is her "baby," and she's slowly overcoming her trepidation toward their quick movements and flighty nature. She is fascinated by them but can't quite figure out how to interact with them yet. It's so funny to watch.
Danell's youngest son, Nathan, loves the dogs too. While we are eating, I close the dogs in their cage (crate) where Nathan will sit and stare and let Artimus lick his fingers through the crate door. When we finished lunch yesterday, Mark and Leah sat on the couch playing with the Iphone games. However, as soon as I let the dogs out of their crate, Leah focused on them. She follows them around and lets me and Danell know what she wants them to do.
Occasionally, the backyard will provide extra entertainment with rabbits, birds, and squirrels for the dogs to chase. Leah tells me when the "puppies" want to go outside, and she also tells me when they want to come in. She is only TWO years old! She tells me to hold them for her so she can pet them, but then she isn't quite sure that she wants to pet them after all.
Every week is an adventure at my sister's house as the kids and dogs seem to change and interact differently each visit. I have so much fun. Thank you Danell!
I saw the video at Danell's blog and it was too cute! It is obvious that your lap is not your own!