Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Facebook replaced MySpace as my social networking time-waster. It provides a variety of really fun games too. Word Challenge mirrors Text Twist, and Scramble is just like Boggle. Tom and I love word games. Danell and my brother-in-law, Josh, can compete in head-to-head challenges now through Facebook.
Tom combines the two and just calls them MyFace. Hahahahaha! Too funny. It seems like Facebook has a better reputation than MySpace. It's been fun to see who is on there. Now, what about this newest phenomenon....Twitter.


  1. Sounds like fun! Don't know if I can navigate well enough, but I'll keep trying.

    Love to hear about my daughter's lives.

    Loving it, Mom

  2. MyFace! Now that is funny, thanks for sharing... I am so addicted to Facebook and finding more and more things to do on there as time goes on. It's bad.

  3. Oh, yeah, Twitter? We did that for a while. I think I've chosen to do Blogger and Facebook. Don't konw if I can have enough time to do all three! Although Twitter is simple to post to from a phone. What do you think?

  4. Well, I'm with you. Blogger and Facebook is enough. Twitter was fun while it lasted. I've heard, though, that you can find out really useful information on Twitter, like medical stuff. I heard that people twitter about their doctor visits, different experiences like that...
