Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh my gosh. Sitting and waiting in the doctor's office tests my patience for all these patients. Ha! Making jokes to keep myself entertained. Thank goodness for these high-tech babysitters we have. I play games, text, facebook, surf, whatever... Then when nobody else wants to talk to me, I can now BLOG! How fun. I guess we ARE living in a narcissistic world. I have no idea how to spell that. When you are blogging, you are basically writing a letter to yourself that you anticipate others will be interested in! What an ego trip. Well, Tom lemme know when I've bored you to death. I'm aware you are most likely the only one that reads this. I wonder if there's a way to see if others read this. Unless you leave a comment, so far, I have no way to know. Maybe my brilliant sister can show me. Oh gosh, this elevator music combined with the crying child makes me want to reschedule this appointment. But after investing 25 minutes here, I'm reluctant to leave. What's with all the waiting rooms have "no food or drink allowed." I've never seen any waiting room police. Must be a suggestion, not a rule... Or meant for everyone else . Not me. There's that narcissism again! Ha!

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading! I'm reading! Hope you get out of the doctor's office soon :)
