Monday, August 24, 2009

Nose sweat

Gollum overheats pretty easily, and I've wondered for a long time if panting was the only way he could lower his body temperature. Artimus seems to be much more resilient, and his lighter color probably helps too.
So, I consulted Wikipedia:
"Dogs have sweat glands on the pads of their paws and on their noses.
...When these glands are active, they leave the nose
and pawpads slightly moist and help these specialized skin features
maintain their functional properties. The odor associated with dog paw pads
is much more noticeable on dogs with moist paw pads than on those with dry
So, THAT'S why I like smelling his feet.
Look at those talons above! here's the reason I titled the post "nose sweat"--yes dogs definitely sweat, just not over their whole body. Here's Gollum and his nose sweat. My shirt was soaked! LOL


  1. Only a mother could love nose sweat!

  2. That is delightful!

  3. That peek-a-boo picture is SO CUTE.

    Got to love 'em, wet nose and all!

    I always thought if your puppy has a wet nose they are healthy. I know they are happy!

    Lovin' those pups,(and Mommy), MomGrandma
