Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Italian Greyhounds

I think most people presume Italian Greyhounds run around all the time at warp speed. My experience with my two boys taught me that while they may be CAPABLE of running super fast, they much prefer to hone their sleeping skills.

Italian Greyhounds in the arts

Portrait of the aging Catherine The Great with an Italian Greyhound.

The grace of the breed has prompted several artists to include the dogs in paintings, among othersVelázquez, Pisanello and Giotto.

Vision des Hl. Eustathius by Pisanello

The breed has been popular with royalty throughout, among the best known royal aficionados were Mary Stuart, Queen Anne, Queen Victoria, Catherine The Great, Frederick the Great and the NorwegianQueen Maud.


  1. Thanks for the art/history lesson. You don't think about that our babies are THAT old! I love the picture of Tom and his baby. (Yep, I can't remember which one!...Yep, I am old!)

    Auntie Phiss

  2. I like the photo of Tom and Atimus too... then the bat ears pic (next to last) is very cute! The art showing the dogs is very interesting :)

  3. love the history lesson :) your new tag-line is great too. hope things are going well for your big move, have a great weekend


  4. They look much better irl than they do in those paintings.

    Hope your weekend is going well, Andrea!

  5. Got to love those little "boys".

    Lovin' the "Family Four", MomGrandma
