Monday, November 16, 2009

Gollum's newest favorite place

Gollum follows me around the house unless he's asleep. He always prefers sleeping, but he needs to know where I am as well. The house has different rooms which is a new concept to all of us.
I spend a lot of time in a new place called "the laundry room." Consequently, Gollum decided he would like to be in the laundry room too. As he calculated this in his head, he determined he would like to be asleep AND in the laundry room.
Something clicked when he stuck his head into the dryer to see what all this "folding" business was about. The light bulb in his little head lit up the room. It's WARM in the dryer!
This ended my folding chores for the day. I had to let him relax in his new favorite place. I guess I'll be doing laundry in secrecy from now on if I want to accomplish anything.


  1. OMGoodness, my mom's pug Frank did this, I thought he was the only one. He only did this in the winter and would stay in there for hours if you let him. Mom finally got him a heated puppy pad and he stopped doing it.

    have a great week,


  2. Way too cute... that's just perfect for Gollum!

  3. Gollum likes the dryer and Artimus likes the fire! What thinkers, they will always figure a way to get the best out of life. (And you are happy to oblige the little darlings. A very good match I would say!)
